Columbus business owners, Cayenne Levorse of Pepper Pod Art and Jay Bennett of Drank Tank, partnered to bring art and coffee to Columbus neighbors with a surprise social distancing pop-up event over Memorial Day Weekend!
Archives for May 2020
Hilliard girl’s tic-tac-toe overture to letter carriers initiates daily mailbox battle
Photo by Adam Cairns/Dispatch
11-year-old decided to challenge her mail carrier to a game of tic-tac-toe and left a hand-drawn board in her family’s Hilliard mailbox.
Your move – read the full Columbus Dispatch story HERE.
Jeni’s Ice Cream shines a light on mental health
Jeni Britton Bauer, of Jeni’s Ice Cream, has a mission that makes us smile – to shed light on Mental Health Awareness month with a limited release of a new flavor called Sunshine. What may immediately come to mind is the rainbow sherbet so many of us grew up on in the hot summer months, but what you’ll actually find when you open up your pint is a delicious shade of grey ice cream that may look a little dull but tastes like a ray of sunshine on your tongue.
A reminder to all that when gray clouds roll in and things feel heavy to not to lose hope, because the sun will always, ALWAYS shine again.
Find out more info about Jen’s new flavor, SUNSHINE.
If you or anyone you know needs emotional support, visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness website or call the toll-free COVID CARLINE at 1-800-720-9616.
Komen Columbus spreads hope with their Rally for the Race
On May 16th, the original Race for the Cure date, Komen Columbus brought together their community to celebrate the history of this event and honor patients and survivors with the first-ever Rally for the Race, a virtual event and community to show spirit for the mission to end breast cancer forever. The Rally For The Race community showed their spirit all week long during Power in Pink Week, and enjoyed a socially distanced Hope Parade to celebrate survivors!
CoGo offers front line workers a free ride
Photo by Walker Evans
‘As part of our LyftUp efforts nationwide, the program will provide free 30-minute CoGo rides to Columbus residents working on the frontlines against COVID-19,” says Caroline Samponaro, Head of Micromobility Policy at Lyft. Healthcare employers looking to enroll staff in the program, as well as employees hoping to sign up, can email for more information.
Meet the Innovators: Feeding those in need and sanitizing Columbus
While searching for Columbus’ helpers, we found that they come in many different shapes and sizes. And this month, we are telling as many of their stories as we can. These are the stories of the innovators taking the resources they have and finding a way to make the most of it. They are helping those out in need, whether that be restaurant servers or EMT workers.
Photo by Brian Kaiser
Read more here:
Free Thank You Meals for First Responders
Over the past several weeks, we’ve seen lots of companies doing their part to help those putting others before themselves every day.
And now, McDonald’s is stepping up to support our first responders.
Find out more here:
COVID-19 Relief Effort Connects Food Service with ‘Our Silent Heroes’
Two service-minded women, recognizing the difficult impact COVID-19 has had on both frontline workers and the local restaurant industry, have lent their hands in support.
“Generosity is the only way that we are going to come out of this crisis. Our hope is that this initiative will inspire our fellow community members to be generous in ways that they may not have thought about before.”
Photo: Columbus Underground
Read more here: